Archive for the ‘Zabbix’ Category

Monitor System Center Data Protection Manager by Zabbix:

  1. Install zabbix agent on Windows (make it reports to server)
  2. Create PowerShell script that reports SCDPM status:
import-module DataProtectionManager
$dpmserver = connect-dpmserver (&hostname) -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue
#Wait-Event -timeout 15
$alerts = @($dpmserver.AlertController.ActiveAlerts.Values)
$warnings = $alerts | where-object {$_.Severity -eq “Warning”} | Measure-Object | select count
$errors = $alerts | where-object {$_.Severity -like “Error”} | Measure-Object | select count
if ($errors.count -ne 0) {
$status = “Error – One or more error conditions exist and backups need to be checked.”
$returnCode = 2
elseif ($warnings.count -ne 0) {
$status = “Warning – One or more warning conditions exist. Log onto DPM server to check the status.”
$returnCode = 1
else {
$status = “OK”
$returnCode = 0
write-host $status
exit $returnCode



3. Create ITEM on Zabbix Server:

Zabbix Agent (Active)

KEY:[“C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -File C:\zabbix_check.ps1”,]


4. On Zabbix Agent config add timeout:

#timeout for powershell script

Correct settings for LDAPS in Zabbix.
You must type ldaps:// in Active Directory address bind.
